Monday, May 6, 2013

The Mash House

The Mash House in Fayetteville is a first class operation.  They spared no expense in creating this location.  They are one of the few "traditional" breweries I've been to.  Brewmaster Reuben Stocks is a force to be reckoned with in the brew world and the awards on the wall are proof.  The staff was nice and friendly and while Reuben wasn't there when I was his presence abounds in the beers he produces.

Natural Blonde is a beer for the masses.  If someone want's an American adjunct then this is the beer for them.  Not my style with only 8 IBU's but I could drink this with someone on a front porch.

Hefeweizen  Do I really need to write this?  (You already know) Not my style but you may like it. With 10 IBU's it's a drinkable Hefe.

Irish Red Malty sweet with a nice finish brewed with the Horizon Hops with nodes of liquorice or anise.  I enjoyed this beer as it gave a flavor not like any Irish Red I've ever had.  I wish it had more than 7 IBU's but hey I'm a "hop head" and this brewer concentrates on the malts and I don't have a problem with that.

Peach Hefe Once again I'm not a fruity wheat kinda guy but the peach flavor resonates but is not over powering.  Your girlfriend will like this one. 

Schwarz Very roasty and malty an easy and smooth drinking brew with earthy undertones.

Nut Brown Standard and true to the style.  I'd personally like a more nutty flavor but I'm not sure this beer would balance as well if it was.  Order one up and drink to enjoy.

Brown Porter This one drinks like a porter should drink.  Very smooth and drinkable year round.  It's on the malty side and that gives this porter a distinct flavor profile that is interesting but not overpowering.

Stout I like stouts but typically I have to be "in the mood" for one.  This is as close to the "holy grail" of stouts that I have ever had.  Very European style and pushed out of a nitrogen tap.  Creamy and smooth with Chocolate and Caramel malts that give this a light and refreshing taste.  I usually don't pick the stouts as my "go to" beers but this one was a game changer.  It's as close to a cask as you are going to get in Fayetteville and well worth ordering one or two.  I'm not sure if this one has won any awards but it should win every event it's placed in.  A damn good beer.

Apricot IPA Yes, I'm a fan of the apricot IPA's on the market and this one is just as good.This one has the hop bitterness I like with the hint of apricot to fill the nose.  A must try if you like this style.

IPA at 47 IBU's this is on the low side for an IPA for me but it's well balanced with a nice aroma and finish that carries a malty undertone.  An nice brew for the IPA and non-IPA drinker alike.

I2IPA a double IPA that will (pardon the description) knock your dick in the dirt.  I loved this one but it should be called a Barleywine IPA (if there is such a style) as the ABV (which i don't know) has got to be up there.  Be careful when ordering this one especially if you are driving home.  The high gravity combined with the hoppiness make this one hell of a double IPA.  This beer proves that even as a malt style brewer they are not afraid to toss in some hops and ferment the malt like hop heads. 


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